Art work Update
Got some art from some fine talent lately. First one is a sculpt of the arms from the "arm puzzle." Alex is featured here, who also sculpted the Rachel, Janet and Stalker models.
These are the arms that will be holding a cell door shut. They're a bit mutated, combining both flesh and plant mater.
Steve gave us an update of a nicely done box. These will be used to store piles of patient's personal effects. I can even individually label these with an overlay effect.
Andrew gave us this model of a wall hanging blood pressure machine. Hard to see from this shot, but the display has glass cover. You'll be able to squeeze the ball and play with the need to some extent.
Tyler is working on a model for what I call the "Dark Man" for the cell level. This is the first iteration so there will be some final morphing.
Wasn't originally a character, he (she???) is just something that spawned from redoing the cells level about four times over now. Before I tried to do a smoke effect but couldn't come up with something that worked, then I tried a skeleton model. Decided to try something based a bit more on reality. Horror needs some grounding to the real world or else it just becomes silly.
Next time I'll post footage of the first puzzle.