Friday, September 26, 2014

No Human Being Would Stack Records Like This

Shot of the records room from the demo we're working on. The scary part is that medical records are often kept in huge stacks, not unlike this one. We don't have a paperless system yet, and medical paperwork is something that seems to breed in the dark corners until it reaches the ceiling.

Currently working on a door puzzle, which involves severed limbs and growing vines, plus some more medical trickery. Should have some images of that one soon.

Scary picture for the week is this nice abandoned subway station. Not sure if it's supposed to be the end of the line, but the track seems to lead straight to a concrete wall.

Can't find the source on this one, it's being offered as a wallpaper on many sites.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Creepy Photo Day

Creepy Inspirational Photo Day

Been on vacation the last few days so I don't have a game photo ready for this week. Instead I present a creepy photo:
This is from an abandoned theme park called "Nara Dreamland" in Japan. The twisted spiral into fog gives a nice effect for the eye. The game is going to have a roller coaster theme puzzle in it, which I'm in the processes of locking the design down. Though I think the old wooden ones have a bit more charm and would be a better fit.
You can read more on the source of this image here:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

ReplayFX, indiedb

We're happy to be attending ReplayFX next year, which is a pinball tournament held in the convention center in Pittsburgh, August 2015. We'll be at a booth showing off the demo for people to play. The event is mostly a pinball theme but there will be other gaming rigs as well as indie gamers.

Also, we've joined the indieDB community!